Nikolaus DetzAge: 81 years1910–1991
- Name
- Nikolaus Detz
Citation details: Eintrag Nikolaus Detz
Birth | June 1, 1910 29 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Johann Stumpf February 12, 1932 (Age 21 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Elisabeth Dormuth February 27, 1934 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a mother | Theresia Stumpf September 5, 1974 (Age 64 years) |
_PHOTO | |
Death | December 31, 1991 (Age 81 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Anton Detz Death: Karlsdorf / Banat |
mother |
Theresia Stumpf Birth: January 1, 1881 30 26 — Ujvar Death: September 5, 1974 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA |
himself |
Nikolaus Detz Birth: June 1, 1910 29 — Karlsdorf / Banat Death: December 31, 1991 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA |
Family with Barbara Rohr |
himself |
Nikolaus Detz Birth: June 1, 1910 29 — Karlsdorf / Banat Death: December 31, 1991 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA |
wife |
Barbara Rohr Birth: September 30, 1914 Death: February 26, 2001 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA |
son |
Private |
Name | Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1994 Citation details: Eintrag Nikolaus Detz |
Name | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,653 × 1,419 pixels File size: 435 KB |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 254 × 254 pixels File size: 36 KB |